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OG Natural Foods is an eco-conscious Social Commerce platform

Evolution of OG

2014 Organic Gampa, an Eco social impact idea, informal journey began with a vision to offer a good food solution to all, to make living naturally healthy, happy & abundant , it was a home enterprise began with 8 natural vegetables baskets delivery 1st weekend , 3 farmers

2015 Evolved to anywhere delivery in the city, 2 days a week with standard veggie basket, customized veggie basket, fruit baskets with an average reach of 300 customers per week, 20 natural farmers brands supported

2016 -18 Best Organic Startup pioneer name of Hyderabad , TV5 startup junction startup winner accolades , Startup could impact natural food awareness; Perishable model however could not scale with logistic versus shelf life versus financial burdens , early marketed model crash down issues, lack of supply chain connecting eco system, lack of technology support to scale etc ; Wholesale supply of natural groceries began small way

2018 -20 B to B trading , silent supply , founders mompreneur health issues could not launch B to B big brand or buzz , good scale agri event networking, social media communications continued, supply chain relations grew, listing support groups in watsapp etc ,Natural farm consultancies, Fpo ecosystem cooperatives advisory, awareness workshops ,Farm tour case studies added to good eco networks ; womenergy –weaim journey helped understand agri allied green manufacturers

Precovid 2020 ( Jan – March) Tech research, Product wire framing, evolved combination of aggregator, market model, identifying people, processes, cofounders etc.., Covid time natural bulk fruits supply chain for society immunity demands gave strong revenues, natural export quality mango boxes & bulk supply cash flow captured, new covid food markets opened up new natural demand, citrus 500 club innovative supply models case studies published by MANAGE, NABARD etc

Covid 2020 ( Oct) OG NATURAL FOODS PVT LTD registered ; tech building ongoing ; 7yrs eco consulting and eco networking journey added to thousands of agri / food stakeholders relations as social equity